Former Students Our Alumni Screen Acting 5 Our Alumni We are extremely proud of all of our graduates and warmly welcome them as members of the Alumni Association. Year2023All Years2017201820192020202120222023CourseAll coursesOne Year IntensiveTwo Year CourseFilter AlumniClear FiltersKristina KostadinovaTwo Year CourseJoshua WatsonTwo Year CourseView Spotlight ProfileEthan ScannellTwo Year CourseDee-Anne MooreTwo Year CourseDakota Virgoulay RancelTwo Year CourseArmando BalcazarTwo Year CourseView Spotlight ProfileGloria BedoireOne Year IntensiveSelene AntonasOne Year IntensiveView Spotlight ProfileNina HafnerOne Year IntensiveView Spotlight ProfileAxel VernoisOne Year IntensiveView Spotlight ProfileSamantha Cassar EllisOne Year IntensiveView Spotlight ProfileRamon RoblesOne Year Intensive4 12 5